Sunday, May 29, 2011

Life-Chapter II

As I am sitting here packing all my stuff... to move back to Kolkata, I realize how things have changed in the last two years. When I had first set foot in this city... in August 2009, I was a different me...

lacking in confidence, not knowing a new city; never been away from home... the thought of going back to hostel from college on that first day... it had scared the shit out of me!

I still remember that first day in college.... new faces all around, new environment.. didn't understand the accent of most of my was one hell of a day... in fact that was one day.. when I really was thinking if I am at the right place...

But today when I look back.. I realize that not just the things around me.. even I have changed completely... my thought process, my way of communicating, my confidence level.. most of all.. my attitude towards even the smallest things in life... living alone has taught me a lot of things...

Today, as my Student life comes to an end... and a new chapter begins, I am nostalgic... I will miss my college days... I am excited... I have new mysteries to unravel...I am in Love... with the concept of being free and independent... 

Yeah, I am scared as well... I don't know if I can handle so many responsibilities... but then aren't we all Scared at some point or other.. after all no one ever taught us how to come to this world.. but we learnt.. 
Its time to learn new things in life.. and to bring another which I say... BRING IT ON!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

To my Brothers...with love...

We've grown slowly apart,
But you've always been in my heart.

From a distance I watched you grow,
Wondering about the man I'd get to know.
Who you could become,
Who that could be I fathom.
Good choices you've made all together,
I'm so glad you didn't pay attention lil' brother.
So many things going on around you,
I'm so thankful it didn't drag you in too.
When put to the test,
You were meant to out shine the rest.
You have an important role here on earth,
It was given to you before your day of birth.
Walk with your head held high,
Don’t worry everyone will learn why.
You have the gift, please use it wise.
Not like a birthday gift, not a surprise.

It's in your heart, soul, and your mind.
Some people find it, some get left behind.
You have found it, I'm so proud.
Hold on to it, losing it is not allowed.
I know you'll be fine, this I don't worry.
Even though you have it, don't grow up in a hurry.
You’re going to be somebody, this I already know.
But there's a lot to learn, what you have will help you grow.
Keep your eyes open don't let anything pass you by.
Your great and growing greater, all you have to do is try.
I love you my dear from day one.
I hope I can pass your gift to my son.
He could be just like you, I wouldn't mind.
A man like you is of a greater kind.
Off into the world you go,
You’ll be great, this everyone knows!